Artist, Mindy Belloff
Ed 30.; 7 1/2″ x 5 1/4″; 2008
Letterpress printed text, Images digitally printed; Red leather spine, Etched metal covers.
A memorial tribute, the call letters W-2-L-Z-X belonged to the artist’s Uncle, a ham radio operator for over 60 years. Jack was a radio operator aboard a B-17 bomber in WWII and a pioneer in early communications. “W2LZX” is composed of nostalgic photographs and collaged QSL cards logged by ham radio operators, with personal and historic text. From Morse Code transmissions to computer electronics, hams have made significant contributions to international and mass communications. The stories of W2LZX and others like him resonate culturally, historically, and personally. Price $900
The book features unique etched metal covers with red leather spine, and text letterpress printed over digital images of QSL cards, representing over 40 countries. Included is an original QSL card and a World Amateur Radio Map where the cards on the inside of the book may be located by zone and country code from the call letters.
W2LZX fine press edition received an Honorable Mention for Excellence in Book Design from the University of Texas, exhibition February 2010. SeeĀ the Fine Press Book Association blog post (